March is Here!

Have you spotted a robin or two yet?! During March the snow begins to melt unearthing thawed soil full of earthworms and other bugs; in other words, the robin diner is open for business!

This week keep an eye out for:

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  • Elk on the move! As the snow melts, dried plants become visible and some elk will begin to leave the National Elk Refuge to seek out new food sources. Over the next few weeks they’ll be traveling north as the snow-line recedes.

  • Red-tailed and Swainson’s hawks! These gorgeous birds are some early arrivals in the spring and are returning to claim nesting territories. Because they’ll be soaring close to their nest site, this can be the best time to locate nesting hawks and ravens.

  • Budding aspen, cottonwood, and mountain alder! These trees will begin budding towards the end of the month leading to even more animal activity.


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